Hi! Evangeline has grown her FIRST TOOTH! I felt it sprouting out on her lower gum. Wow! I congratulated her for having a tooth and soon there will be many more teeth filling up her whole mouth! By then, I ain't too sure if I still can continue to breastfeed her because I'm afraid that she'll bite me with her teeth. Well, for now Mummy's milk is still sufficient to hold her appetite.
In the very first beginning, Mummy has a target to breastfeed for six months as suggested by World Health Organisation (WHO) to fully supplement Eve with breastmilk. Now, Mummy has reached the target and looking forward to breastfeed for 1 or 2yrs maximum. However, it'll all depends whether Eve wants to and if she'll bite me, grind me with her little teeth.
Time has passed so quickly that Eve has already reached half of her FIRST year. In no time, she'll be able to baby talk, walk, run and start questioning things that amazed or puzzled her. Just to keep track on her growth:
Physically and mentally
- Keeps her head level when pulled to a sitting position
- Sits unsupported with both hands holding on an object
- Holds her own bottle when feeding
- Drinks from the Magmag sprout bottle with help
- Opens her mouth for spoon during cereal time
- Rolls over and back umpteen times
- Crawls forward but not very fast
- Begins teething
Language and emotions
- Combines vowel-consonant sounds
- Makes two-syllable sounds (e.g. pear-pear)
- Imitates facial expressions
These are the skills that are expected from a 6 mths old baby. However, Eve has shown some signs of skills which are expected from a 7 mths old baby. They are:-
Physically and mentally
- Looks for something that has dropped. She will look at her toys that has dropped from her highchair and wants you to pick up for her. Or at times, when she's playing on her playmat and dropped her toys from her hand, she'll pick them up.
- Sits well for abt 5mins or so
- Lunges forward from sitting position to grasp an object
- Gets up on all fours and rocks back and forth (this sign she has started since she's abt 5plus to 6 mths)
Language and emotions
- Recognises her own name or nickname, i.e Xiao Hong Dou, baby, whenever we call her
- Recognises voices especially Daddy's, Mummy's, Mama's
- Begins to understand meaning of "No", "Open your mouth" (this sign she has also started to understand as young as 4th mth)
I'm glad that Eve is developing so well and healthy. Her hair has also grown longer and more and looking slightly more like a girl!